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About Us


This is our new blog.

But we aren't new.

Discovered Markets was started two years ago with a mission to quicken the pace products and services make it to the people that need or want them. With government regulation, diverse cultures, limited existing business relationships, and changing political winds, global expansion can be messy. And this mess has allowed global expansion methods to mostly remain the same way they were hundreds of years ago. We work with who we know, even choosing where to go based on our relationships versus the best product-market fit. When we don't know someone, we outsource our distribution and risks to "established" agents at considerable margins. The mess also means global expansion is for the lucky few businesses with the means to take risks (less than 1% of US businesses export).

I believe expansion doesn't need to be so expensive, so opaque, so risky. Discovered Markets cuts through the noise by bringing the practice of testing and developing user insights that many product development teams use to the field of global business development.

Over the past two years, Discovered Markets has been around the globe a few times testing and finding new market opportunities for our clients. We've collected a lot of stories and learnings which we want to begin to share here and via our newsletter. Subscribe today to hear our tales!

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